Five men total responded:
Two said he would cry then.
Two said he wouldn't cry at all.
One said he would cry later in private.
Twenty-three women responded.
Three and a half said he would cry then.
Eleven said he wouldn't cry at all.
One half said he would cry later.
Five said he would have a little tear but not a whole big scene.
Three of the eleven women who said he wouldn't cry, said he would be emotional instead. yelling, raging, beating something up.
So, definately interesting results.
I also recieved an award this week.

This little beauty was from Laurel at Laurel's Leaves. Thank you Laurel.
I'll pass this on to
Hannah -- Who used to be Musings of a Palindrome, but then changed it to just Palindrome and I think now goes by P. Like P. Diddy, Only now, I think it's P. Drome.
Donna Hosie -- at Musings of a Penniles Writer
Susan Fields -- at Susan Fields Writer.
and Crystal Cook at Write Because You Must.
If you haven't been to check these cool cats out, do so now. Fantastic, each and every one of them.
Lastly, if you haven't gotten your OFFICIAL green stamp you should. I should have done it right away considering I was born on Earth Day (Or rather Earth Day was founded on my birthday) and I am an actual hippie, born yes, waaaayyyyyy back then. (But you'd never guess I was soooo old because I am soooo beautiful and you can tell this from my teeny tiny little picture...LOLOLOLOLOLOL)
Any-hoo, if you haven't done it yet, go now! Stamp out your carbon footprint. And believe me, I'll find out if you haven't and hound you until you do. I wasn't born on Earth Day for nothing. Go HERE to the official website.
Have a fabulous Humpday!
What an interesting fact about yourself!!! Born on Earth Day that is super neat! I need to get my button this evening so that I am part of the Green team it's just a matter of remembering it when I'm at home!!
Congratulations on your award!! Congrats to all the winners as well!!
You are so beautiful. No lol's about it! Congrats on the award and thank you so much for mine :) :)
I'm on that green team thing soon, like today ok? :)
Congrats on the cute award!! :o)
ahahaha! I'm totes calling her P. Drome from here on out!
P.Drome is great!!
I love Earth Day! How special a holiday to be born on! I was born very close to Mother's Day (May 7).
How would I be more green by joining the website? I hope your week is going well. Time has totally gotten away from me.
Earth day is a good day for a bday. Much better than the day before tax day, Titanic sank and Lincoln was shot, LOL! That's me, a good omen, *snort*
So, how did you count me? Cause I don't think I gave a specific; I think he'd get teary but not all out cry until later. Fwiw, here's a paraphrase of how I did it in one of mine:
*Kasia has been hit by a car after escaping the Russian trafficker that kidnapped her - she's waking up in the hospital*
"He jabbed thumb and forefinger into his eyes and rubbed fiercely. Removing the digits, he swiped the back of the hand across his eyes, then turned to use his sleeve for a tissue."
What a cute award - congrats! And...P-Drome, rofl!
Jen -- Technically Earth Day was born on MY birthday. It was pronounced until 1974. Thank you Richard Nixon.
Crystal -- thanks. Be Green!
Lola -- Thanks!
Sara A -- I know, I had to give her a little razz!
Summer -- My brother was too, born on Mother's Day.
Lois -- On my yesterday post, there's a website where you can stamp out your carbon footprint made by your blog. Just a thought.
Tara -- I counted you as a 1/2. And yeah, I'm going along those lines with Tony.
Um, but I actually do think your pic is beautiful. Not sucking up or anything. I wish I had your hair color.
Congrats on your award, and how neat that you were born on Earth Day. The only thing my calendar ever says on my birthday (except for when I lived with my mom, who'd decorate it) is St. John the Baptist day. Which is kinda interesting, but it's no Earth Day.
Congrats on your award!! I'm going to Stamp out my carbon footprint by checking out that link. Thanks!
@ Tara: Happy Birthday! My dad was born on tax day, but he never celebrates on the 15th...because he's a CPA :P
Congrats on the award and the b-day!
Shelley -- It's dyed. Nothing wrong with John the Baptist. Thanks.
Nicole -- Thanks. You're welcome.
Cynthia -- Thanks, and it's not until the 22nd.
Congrats on the award, Anne, and I love the poll you took. I wouldn't have thought to do that, but it was great.
Congrats on yet another award. Most deserved they are too.
Thanks once again, Anne, for leaving such a helpful comment on my blog. This community of writers never ceases to amazes me.
You are a delight :)
Congrats on the award and the birthday. Very sweet and well deserved. :) The award I mean. :)
Roxy -- Who but my readers would really understand the complexities of my dilemma?
Wendy -- Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.:)
Sarah Jayne -- Thank you. Birthday's not here yet but when it is, "We're gonna pahtay, like it's my birthday."
Lol, yes. I was once and am still called Your Friendly Neighborhood Palindrome but it's a mouthful and I didn't want to make people type it out every time they want to comment back at me. I am like P.Diddy or Prince...must be a "P" thing.
Thanks for the award!! As soon as my computer is up and running I will post that shiz.
This comment alone has taken me like 15 minutes but I sacrificed for you! That's love baby!
Hannah -- See, you've changed your name so many times I forgot what it even was. I'm sorry. And I did figure that was the reason why you changed it. I kind of like P. Drome but you'll always be Hannah to me. That love goes both ways baby, right back at ya!!!
I share a birthday with Hugh Hefner. Oh, yeah.
Hey PW, are you in North or South Carolina? I went to school in NC and I miss it so!
XO Lucy
Thank you for the lovely award! My oldest daughter was born on Earth Day, too.
Was I the 1/2 who said he would cry later? I'm pleased - I agreed with 1/5 of the men! :)
Amy -- Yeah, I know. I just thought Tony would, he's one of THOSE.
Lucy -- North Carolina, winston-salem.
Susan -- April 22, so was my dad. Gotta love us Taurus babies.
Congrats on the award!
And I know I'm late to the crying party, but I'd vote for crying later, in private. That's how I would do it. Y'know, if I cried, ever. Which, naturally, I don't. Being entirely too manly and all that.
What? It's manly to show emotions? Pfft. Not if you're repressed and Scottish. We just sit in the rain and drink whisky. And if we were crying, you wouldn't be able to tell. Because of the rain. (Duh.)
Simon -- I knew you would be over here with the perfect answer because, as we know, you are a repressed Scot. And in the scene, it is raining, so Tony very well could cry without Genna knowing if he wanted to.
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