Monday, January 25, 2016

The Truths I Tell Myself

After last week with my lying, I figured I would search out the truth. This is what I came up with.

I'm a good writer. 

Yup. I am. A good writer. I'm not great, fabulous, Hemingway. I do have occasional moments of brilliance, or humor, or humanity depending on what you may be reading. My stories have been known to move women to tears. Men have said my male characters are realistic. I feel competent in my writing skills.

I'm better than I used to be. However, I would like to be really good. And I will. Eventually. Practice makes almost perfect.

I'm a good parent.

I am. Monster thinks I'm off the wall most of the time. Her friends think I'm wicked funny, she thinks I'm lame. Go figure. But I think she's a good kid, and I hope she thinks I'm a good mom. I try my hardest. I'm better than I used to be. However, I could be better.

I love my job. (Even the one where I don't get paid.)

I cannot tell you how much I love my job as a writer. Even on the most blinding frustrating maddening days, I love my job. I cannot imagine doing anything else. Making up stories is like living on the beach. Every day is a new adventure.

I even love the volunteer work I do at Monster's school. If I ever went back to work in the real world, it's going to look damn good on my resume.

I'm a good friend.

At least I think so. I hope so. My friend Debbie gave me a little plaque that reads You're The Friend That Everybody Wishes They Had  Isn't that sweet? Sometimes I'm a little too blunt and I say things I probably shouldn't, but I try not to hurt anyone's feelings. I'm just opinionated. And loud and bossy, and the girl your mother would never let you hang out with. But I'm also kind, and generous, and pretty damn funny once you get to know me.

So, those are my truths. Got any you want to share?

Anne Gallagher (c) 2016


Leigh Caron said...

Ha! I immediately went to you other post about lying first to see what you lie about, but had to chuckle
when you were talking about lies you tell yourself. A truth about me? I'm kind, so I've been told numerous times . . . but one should never mistake my kindness for weakness.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I create interesting characters.


Bish Denham said...

Recently I read through some older stories of mine... I surprised myself. They were good!

I'm talented in more than one creative area. Writing, drawing, singing, making things with my hands like tatting.

I'm kind, faithful.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

What a great post. I think I'm a good writer but like you, I want to be better and I love this job too.
I'm a good mom too and my kids are grown up enough to tell me I have been.
Another truth is that I should take better care of myself.

Maria Zannini said...

All good truths.

My truth: I'm funnier in person.

Liza said...

You are a good friend, to many I believe, and I consider myself lucky to be one of them.

Denise Covey said...

Hi Anne. Lovely to read such an honest post. How we can judge our own writing is hard to say. If I pick up a ms that I haven't worked on for awhile I get excited if I feel emotion...then put it away again because I just don't have the time for so many projects. All the best!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

It's really helpful to remind ourselves often of what we are good at and what we need to improve. I guess I do this by goal-setting and frequently revisiting my goals and analyze how I'm doing based on how I want to do. On those bad days when I feel like a slacker it helps to remind myself of how well I am doing, or have done, and just keep going!