Friday, October 30, 2009


And so it begins, the first rejection letter in my inbox was from the "K" Agency. It was a form rejection which doesn't really bother me, but then again it does. Considering all the crap I've read lately in my genre makes me want to scream because my book is absolutely fantastic! LLLOL. Actually I think my book is pretty good, it follows the 'formula' for a good romance, it has a little mystery thrown in, the protagonists are wholesome, decent people and the antagonist is a creep. Of course this is all subjective because no one else has read the manuscript and I'm going on what I think. But that's neither here nor there.

So, after I post this I start sending out my B-list e-mail queries and hopefully I'll find someone who wants to represent me. I'm still hoping, praying that one of my A-listers will take me on but everything is relative at this point. I only want to get the damn thing published.

It's funny when I started this whole idea that I only wanted to get it finished. Never knowing what it entailed until after I finished writing it. Now that I know I almost, mind you I said almost, want to get a 'real' job. But that's the rejection talking. There is nothing I want more than to be a published author. Have since I was 14. And don't get me wrong, I'm not hoping to be Faulkner or Hemingway, or even Julia Quick or Susan Wiggs, okay maybe those two; the most important thing to me right now is that I get published.

Maybe I bit off more than I can chew. Maybe it's the damn economy. Maybe it really is that my book sucks. But I don't believe that for one second.

Someone once asked me a long time ago if I had any passion. At the time I didn't know to what he referred, now I do. THIS is my passion. Writing is my passion. And I know I'm not the greatest writer, I don't have any hope to be on Oprah, or gain the New York Times Bestseller list, not yet anyway, but writing is what I want to do. I'm a storyteller. And I have some pretty good stories to tell.

I have to remember, always remember, Nolite te bastardes carborundorum, and for those of you who don't speak Latin this is "Don't let the bastards grind you down."


scott g.f.bailey said...

Just be patient, Anne. Rejections (and, worse, being ignored) are just part of the process. Perseverance is part of the writer's toolkit, too!

Anne Gallagher said...

Thanks Scott, I know what you're saying and have steeled myself but you know how it is. And thanks for stopping by, I'm a huge fan.