Good morning gentle readers. You may wonder about the topic of today's post, well it's really nothing. I've had their song "Monday, Monday" in my head all weekend thinking about what I was going to post today. I have some delicious news but first I want to get on with other business.
I'd like to say, thank you all so much for allowing me to pass the 100 followers mark. As you know I don't refer to you as followers, I refer to you as friends because I'm not a cult. I'd like to, therefore, welcome these new friends with a big fat Piedmont Writer Welcome: Tricia, Rena, Laura, Angie, Ann, the duo of Lisa & Laura, Stephen, Elliot and Lynn. I've got a buffet in the dining room set-up, so grab a gnosh and something to drink. The weather is beautiful by the mid-afternoon here so the pool is open. Bathing suits are advised because Monster Baby is only 5 and I don't want to have to explain to her about 'jiggly parts.' Especially mine.
As I was cruising around the blogosphere this weekend I found these posts and I'm sharing them with you because I just think they're totally awesome and you should read them.
Shelley Sly at
Stories in the Ordinary shares with us "What Non-Writers Should Know About Writers" so you can send this to your non-writer friends when they ask you about your book.
Stina Lindenblatt has some very cool
links to some very awesome posts I think we should all take a look at. Make sure you spend some time at Andrew's place, he's brilliant.
Speaking of Stina, she and her other friend Steena have joined forces and are going to have a contest. You can find Stina,
hereand Steena
hereto find out all the details.
And if you want to read the start of an unbelievable story go see
Terry Towery at A Writer of Wrongs. Holy Crap Batman, this will grip you right to the edge of your chair. The writing is superb and heart stopping but there is peanut butter and that is quite funny. Or at least I thought so. But please go check him out and tell him Piedmont sent you.
Anne R. Allen had an amazing post about dialogue which you can find
here, and Roni from
Fiction Groupie had one as well (last Friday but I didn't read it until Sunday night. Better late than never eh?)
Now if the links don't work, please go anyway, you won't be disappointed.
I know you're all dying to know this, so I'll tell you, the fence posts are all in and cemented! Ta Da! Now I just have to hang 200 feet of horse fence and we will be well on our way to having four dogs. I'm going to take my mother's dog. She's too young for them and needs a LOT of space to run. They're not running people.
As you all know, this is my birthday week. The official day isn't until Thursday. On Earth Day. If you haven't gotten your official "My Blog is Carbon Neutral" green stamp, please go
here now and do it. I love trees and want the world to be full of them. This is my wish on my birthday cake candles. We must try and get our poor Mother Earth back to her old self, the volcano in Iceland is just one of the numerous things she's telling us that if we don't try and fix what we've done, Monster Baby, and all your babies, won't have anyplace to play in ten years. And that is just not acceptable to me. I wasn't born on Earth Day for nothing.
Also, as this is my birthday week, and my birthday lands on Thursday, I'm torn between posting a birthday post or my regular Genna & Tony post. I'm sure you all want to know what happens between Genna and Uncle Sally. Perhaps I will do both.
Speaking of which, this Saturday my lovely friend Lulu, graciously offered to take Monster Baby to the school fair for me as I was not feeling up to being around 1000 children. I had a lovely time by myself. I scrubbed the kitchen floor, vacuumed the whole house, took a nap because I could, then sat down and wrote Tony's backstory. Let me tell you what, I am a freaking genius! I had no idea when I started this book what Tony was all about. Truthfully I didn't care because it was more or less Genna's story and her coming home to face her demons of the past.
I don't know why I wrote this, it is the story of their first meeting at the club, the night her parents' die, but told from his POV. Did I mention I was a genius? Boy howdy, just that scene makes me want to change the whole book around and put his POV in it. I don't think I will though. I have another idea for it.
Perhaps next week I will post it for you.
I've been thinking about taking a break. I know, I know, the last time I took one I couldn't stay away from the blog-world because, quite frankly, you guys are totally awesomesauce and I'm a bit of a nosey-body and want to know everything that's going on. But I really have to get REMEMBERING YOU quite finished before Monster Baby is out of school so I can revise it over the summer. I will still post Genna & Tony tid-bits on Thursday because if I don't, several people will hunt me down, but as for the rest of the week, no, not so much. Maybe Monday, Maybe Friday but definitely not Tues & Weds. Also, I won't be commenting as much. I know I feel badly with all my new friends, I so want to hang out with you guys but I've really got to get this finished and if not now when. So if you don't see me, you'll know why. But that doesn't mean I don't still love you. And if I play my cards right and write like crazy, maybe I can get it finished in 5 weeks and play with you for the rest of the summer.
Any-hoo, that's all the news I have. Go check out those linky's, you won't be disappointed. Go get your green stamp, I mean it. And have a lovely, lovely Monday.