Hey now, have any of you seen the new Stats counter on the Blogger Dashboard. Is that the coolest thing or what? I must have spent about an hour tooling around it last Friday.
Of course I also learned that my readers have dropped significantly since July so... that's an interesting stat.
I also learned I had a visitor from Luxembourg, so, yeah, like, that's way cool.
How about you? What have you learned from your stats?
I have never seemed to figure those stat feeds out. I had the google analytics, but then I found out that sometimes it doesn't pick up readers if they are reading from the Google Reader or some other blog roll that doesn't register, or something like that. LOL I gave up, but it is wayyy cool! I found out I had one person in Korea reading my blog. :)
I've used StatCounter (not specific to Blogger) for a while now, so I know how entertaining stats can be. Especially "key word activity," which shows which search terms led people to your blog. My favorite so far? "Reality boobs." Ha!
Cool to see hits from Asia, Australia...
I've discovered where my spam is coming from. Vietnam, Bulgaria, and Russia. ;)
I love my stats. I don't get spam yet but I love knowing when my readers read.
I'll have to check that out. How cool!
Hi Anne. I use statcounter, and have also played with this nifty new blogger stat. And snap - I also have a visitor from Luxembourg!
Another thing I've missed. I'm going to have to look for it and check it out.
I found out I have more visitors than I thought. I think its neat to see what pages they look at daily and whats popular that month lol.
This is a very cool tool. I didn't realize I was receiving visitors from so many places around the world.I've had 24 Pageviews from Russia, 35 from Luxembourg, 80 from Denmark amng others. Amazing.
Stephen Tremp
Very interesting. I'd love to know why I have so many hits from Germany - 204! Another interesting piece of data? Two someones searching on my full legal name. Frightening.
Thank you! I didn't know about Blogger's stat counter. I'll have to go check that out. I use sitemeter and sometimes the data seems goofy. It'd be educational to compare the two.
Thanks, that rebel, Olivia
YEAH! I LOVE that Stat thing! Totally cool! I have a third-party widget on my blog that does the same thing, but it's nice to have it right there on your dashboard!
omg, i'm looking at it RIGHT NOW! It's crazy awesome! I have luxembourg as well
I think this is so cool. I'm glad they put it up although my "day" starts at 4 pm so that's kind of weird.
VR -- Oh that's frightening.
Linda -- "Reality Boobs" that's too funny.
Okay, I'm off to see what other countries have read me.
I love the stats counter. However, since I changed my blog name/url, I have no stats to speak of, but other than that, it's a cool tool!
I learn people actually read my blog :)
I hadn't seen that before. YAY! A new toy to play with!! :)
Anne ~ Every time I see your profile picture I think of Melissa Marr. Your pic reminds me so much of her! (and I think you're a little similar too.)
I didn't know Blogger had a stats thingie! I use statcounter. And what I've learnes is that after a few years of faithfully blogging my overall visits is still WAY less than my hubby's less-than-a-year-old gaming blog. *sigh*
I haven't actually played around with it that much! I use StatCounter, which I *heart*.
I haven't checked the Blogger stats yet, but I get updates from StatMeter every day. I've learned most people spend several minutes on my blog, which is cool!
I've learned that more people look at it than I'd thought (which is a plus). They just don't all comment on it, which is the same thing I do a lot to other people's blogs. It's kind of like the facebook page status info though. If I pay too much attention to it, I start to obsess about it. (*Not* what I should be spending my time on!)
I'm a man of high hopes and low tech. But I have two independent counters. One shows how many from what country have visited me -- and it has a nifty simulation of a mountain-top eage, feathers ruffling even, on it.
Thanks for the heads-up that Blogger offers stats as well. Have a great mid-week, Roland
I do use the StatCounter!! I likes it! I do enjoy see where people are linking from.
I didn't know! I'm going over to check it out.
Don't be discouraged, though. Lots of people took advantage of vacay time before school started back. And now, many are likely swamped. Either with errands, sports pick-ups and drop-offs, etc., or, like me, with homework.
Honestly, though, I'd rather blog and read blogs than do homework!!!
Thanks for pointing this out! I haven't been spending as much time on Blogger lately, so I totally wouldn't have noticed. How interesting to read all these stats, though! Wow!
Hmm. I also had one blog visitor from Luxembourg. Either we share a friend, or it's some kind of system bug. And what's up with all the visitors from Russia? I seem to get a ton of them.
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