Monday, August 31, 2015

What I Did on My Summer Vacation

Not a whole lot. Or maybe too much. I can't decide. Monster and I didn't go anywhere this summer so I cleaned the house and wrote a bunch of stuff. Murder mysteries for one, and a contemporary romance for another. Still not finished with any of it -- cleaning or writing. But here are a few pics (because I really don't have a lot to say. School started last week, Monster is playing volleyball, I got roped into more PTO junk and I'm just flat out for the next few weeks.)

So much junk

After (First coat. Looks better with 2 but didn't take pics)

Before it was soooo dark

Now it's soooo bright (again, only 1st coat)

the new color for my dining room

It's dark in the pic, but it looks nice in the room

So, that's what we've been doing.


Stacy McKitrick said...

My summer vacation starts this Wednesday with a trip to Atlanta and Dragon*Con. Can't wait. Then we come home for three days and I head on out to NYC to catch a cruise to New England and Canada. It's a busy month, that's for sure.

Not as busy as painting, though. Ugh. I hate painting. Well, actually, I hate the cleaning and the moving of furniture that is associated with painting. It's a lot of hard work, that's for sure.

D.G. Hudson said...

You've given it a new lease on life. I've done a lot of painting, and it usually is worth it afterwards, but lots of work during. I moved this summer and all I did was pack, pack, pack, and now I'm still unpacking and unpacking, but only one room left. . .

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

too me out thinking about it


Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

It's been a busy summer for me but in August I did a lot of reading. Your new paint jobs look great.

Susan Says

Maria Zannini said...

I've been painting too. It's funny how a coat of paint can give a fresh look to anything. Cheap way to redecorate.

Laurel Garver said...

Giving your living space a lift will give you a mental lift for months to come--definitely worth the effort. I've been trying to declutter and organize bit by bit this summer. My writing has been haphazard at best. Glad you are dipping your toes in other genres and enjoying it.

Yvonne Osborne said...

A murder mystery? That's something new for you. I like experimenting with color, scary but fun.

J.B. Chicoine said...

Well, you pretty much know what I've been up to! Not much going on around my house, but I have been enjoying living in a smaller space for days and days at a time. I think you're really going to appreciate the lighter writing space, especially come winter!

Eric W. Trant said...

You know, I hadn't thought of it just now, but it occurs to me that you are one of them thar historical writers. Hrm.

What's that got to do with the color of money in my wallet (which is clear, by the way, as in invisible, as in nothing is there, so trick question)? See, I spent my summer researching and beginning a historical novel set in 1880-ish Sicily. It's my first cut at this sort of thing, and I may hit you up for a read once I get it finished and edited. I never ask anyone to read the whole thing, just the first page. Then tell me where you stopped reading.

We also began a bathroom remodel. We are to the tiling point, so the home stretch. But still lots of work, and we began in May. All summer, one bathroom, me, the wife, two teenagers, a baby, one bathroom, did I mention that?

We are all very close, now.

Hope otherwise things are well with you, and good luck with the Mystery novel. You might try my strategy and find a mystery writer to help clear up the early draft.

- Eric

Shelley Sly said...

Looks like you've gotten a lot done! I like the before and after pictures. I can tell you've worked hard. Hope your summer was enjoyable and that your fall is off to a good start.

Bossy Betty said...

Great changes. I love the before and after shots. You sound like you had a productive summer break. Me? Well, yeah, I did too. Maybe I'll write about it!

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

I used to repaint and/or hang new wallpaper pretty frequently, but it's been a couple years since I did it last. The thing I liked about painting and papering was how GOOD it made me feel to admire the end results. Emotionally, anyway. Physically, the last time I painted left me pretty sore, so I don't if or when I'll talk myself into tackling the job again.(Good thing I like the colors I used last time!) For now, I reorganize and clean closets, cabinets, and drawers, and shampoo carpets to get my kicks.

You've got to be thrilled with what a positive change that lighter color has made, and the color in your dining room is gorgeous. Good work!

I'll be looking forward to reading your mysteries. So hurry up!